Make your voice recordings as competent and correct as possible. You are in good hands with Antares Auto-tune. With a few advanced features, it’s not a big deal if the vocal track gets a little offbeat at some point. Advanced features help you fix it in no time.
Auto-Tune Unlimited is the most complete and advanced version of the program. It includes an automatic mode for pitch correction and real-time effects, and a graph mode for detailed pitch and timing adjustments. For twenty years, the company has been the professional standard for pitch correction and the tool for creating the most iconic vocal effect in popular music.
Now with Auto-Tune Unlimited, it’s more versatile and easier to use than ever, with a completely redesigned interface and powerful new processing, editing and navigation features. The developers have added automatic key detection with the new Auto-Ke plug-in, classic mode for “Auto-Tune 5 sound”, real-time MIDI control and ARA for tighter integration with supported DAWs.
The Auto Mode and Graph Mode interfaces have been redesigned to offer the most efficient, flexible and intuitive workflow for both professional users and beginners. The program also includes Flex-Tune and Humanize for more transparent and natural tuning, as well as a low-latency mode that allows you to perform in real time without intrusive lag.
It also features time correction for non-destructive time editing, as well as formant correction, vibrato control and neck length modeling. Whether you need to quickly fix a few questionable notes or thoroughly enhance your entire performance, Auto-Tune Unlimited offers the professional pitch correction and classic effects you’re looking for.