It offers creative & trending design that never fails to be valued by users
Beatswave is an ideal choice for managing audio, album, bands, artist, musicians and sell the audio files to your customer.
This template can be used to help your customers and fans learn more about you and your music or buy your audio items or other products
As you can notice, this template it comes with 4 versions, each demo comes with 20+ pages, total more then 80+ pages in whole template The site layout is completely responsive based on bootstrap 4 framework.
Customers can view your posts from their tablets, desktop computers, smartphones and laptops
Cross-browser compatibility is also guaranteed.Beatswave theme is extremely flexible, intuitive and easy to use, packed with premium features and plugins, making it a powerful and complete solution for the music industry.FeaturesFully Responsive Theme On All DevicesWPBakery ComposerVisualder ( ) pluginSlider Revolution pluginAudio playerGoogle FontsAlbum post typeEvent post typePhoto album post typeVideo post typeSupport for different social networksTranslation readyYou can change full screen backgroundDifferent menu styles from theme settingsMany theme settings for changeUnlimited colors from customizerPossibility set more background lapagyouts image orEcolorlogA for e PagesHomeDiscographySingle AlbumEventsSingle EventVideosSingle VideoGallerySingle GalleryBlog GridBlog StandardSingle PostContact UsShopSingle ProductCartCheckout PageLogin/Registration/Account for Woocommerce404 pageSearch Result Page