Barry Keoghan dropped out of Gladiator II (2024) to star in this film
Barry Keoghan dropped out of Gladiator II (2024) to star in this film.. I am a fan of Arnold, although for me her best film is Fish Tank , not American Honey.
The short film Wasp is also fantastic
So I had high expectations for Bird, especially with Barry Keoghan in it, but I saw it at the festival yesterday and I am deeply disappointed. The young actress doesn’t do well at all, and as usual, Franz Rogowski doesn’t do well either – honestly, I don’t know why they keep casting him here and there.
The audience burst out laughing when the big bird snatched the tormentor
The film does not focus on a specific story, but rather on the issue of teenage pregnancy in marginalized communities and simply falls apart into different aspects it tries to explore. The magical element, which is supposed to symbolize the rise of the human spirit above the grim reality, is poorly connected to the events, its message is simplistic, and the visuals are laughable.
It tries to pass itself off as authentic, even exaggerating the material poverty, but at the same time completely sugarcoating the characters and their relationships
But the film’s greatest sin is that it has nothing to do with reality, and when the final song asked, “Is this too real for you?” I shouted in the theater, “No!”. It’s a typical propaganda technique, pretending to show mercy to the victims, but in reality rejecting them even more and refusing empathy unless they behave “properly.” For comparison, watch Gummo, where even the youngest children are completely spoiled, and that’s a real tragedy that hits you hard.